Monday, July 22, 2013

The Prison In Me

There is this poem on the “Stories Submitted By You” section of by a very talented individual, who has just gotten better and better over the years. The artist of this work would like to stay anonymous based on personal reasons, but mostly because this poem (circa the year 2000) does not pass today’s quality assurance requirements that the author has. I was sent this poem when it was first written and I have the original and only copy (until now because I am sharing it with the world). This poem is very personal and touching to me, as I understand the subject matter and know the writer (up to this point in time) very well.

To those of you that knew anything about me when I was younger will quickly realize that the anonymous author isn’t so anonymous. I titled the untitled work “The Prison In Me”.
Here is a link for your reading convenience:

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