Monday, April 4, 2016

Inside the Mind of T. Ponder

The more that I get to know T. Ponder, the more it makes me question who he really is. Does he even know who he is? It’s easy to see that he is doing what he loves, and that makes me happy. On the outside T. Ponder is an artist, writer, author, but that only scratches the surface.

He has a shyness about him, and his writings have attributes of his real life. That is where his words are the strongest; his written word gives him a voice.

Not everything is personal, or fictional, or of the same genre, and according to Ponder, “I’m not a rainbow writer”, and that’s probably true.

So who is T. Ponder?

I sat down with him a while back and asked him some questions, and here is what I can share with you:

Why did you become a writer? “I write to enhance what life is. It helps me process what I learn.”

Sum up life in a few words? “Living and learning.”

What are some of your goals? “Writing is part of who I am. I want to keep publishing and come out with new materials. Write books and have others turn them into movies.”

Why movies? “Show that my words can be visual and not just words on paper. Writings can cross-over into other art forms.”

Did that happen with the movie that you made? “Yes, but I had to cut parts due to expenses. The movie could have been better if everything crossed-over from the book.”

What would you like to say to your fans? “Be ready for more work from me; work that’s mystic. Enjoy the art.”

I have talked to T. Ponder, which happens to be his artist / pen name, a few times, and believe that he is one of those people that you need to know for years before you really know them. That creates an interesting and exciting environment with writing. If one were to dissect Ponder’s work; what is personal and what isn’t? What is separating fact from fiction, and fiction from fact? It also gives him possibilities on where to go next.

Here are two sites to check out before you to answer the question…

How do you define the writings and style of T. Ponder?

Writing Site – tpcreativeworks
YouTube movie link – Panic Bracelet” 

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