Monday, June 15, 2015

Wapato…where you at?

Did you know that more people like me in Belgrade, Serbia then they do from my own hometown of Wapato, Washington?

I’m internationally ghetto…

Thank you Serbia for all of the love!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Why Should I Help?

Helping people has always been the heart of this company. I know what it is like to be poor, to be judged, to need help.

You cannot find help for some of the services that we offer, while other services (that you can find help for elsewhere) are expensive, embarrassing, or unrealistic.

We understand, and help remove those negative barriers.

I’m not going to toss around numbers, because they don’t really matter. What matters are the lives that have been touched and changed because of what we do…because of our sponsors.

Because one of the things that we do is offer free services for people in need in the categories of:
We are always looking for sponsors to help support what we are doing.

There are requirements, but sponsorship is a pretty inexpensive way to create a win-win-win (people receive help – you get advertising for life – we get to reach more people).

We need sponsors to help us grow so that we can continue helping and reaching more people.

We have a lot of really great sponsors now, and we would love to add you as our newest one. 

Take a look at our list and imagine yourself being on there…

Monday, June 8, 2015

Do you know why Illuminati Tattoo is our Sponsor of the Week?


There are lots of reasons, but I’m going to highlight just one of them right now…

Caleb gives back!

That’s it…

Sort of…

I don’t mean giving back in a traditional sense (even though he does that too).

I mean that he gives part-time jobs to recovering addicts.

But that’s not it either…

Because he takes it a step further…

He reports the work activity and the job…

…followed by an official letter…

To the Corrections Departments of WA and OR…

Showing that the recovering addicts are working, and are contributing members of society.

Caleb Brouk of Illuminati Tattoo doesn’t care if it’s your 1st, 2nd, or 5th attempt to get clean…

As long as you are committed to change and are trying (actually trying), because he understands that everybody needs a helping hand at some point in their life.

Some people may get looked down on…out on the streets…

But when they come through the doors of Illuminati…

They come in as equals.

And they leave with their head held high.


Because someone cared. Someone listened. Someone showed them respect.

Caleb provided that.

He didn’t hand out a dollar on the street.

Caleb handed out purpose. He handed out reasons to try. He handed out belief in another human being.

That is one of the many reasons that Caleb Brouk of Illuminati Tattoo will always be part of all of our lives.

Show the man some love!

Like Illuminati Tattoo’s Facebook page…send them some flowers…

Whatever you do…

Show Caleb and Illuminati Tattoo some love.

Photo taken from Illuminati’s Facebook page (cropped by me). 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The person that set my day off right…Mr. Eric VanderWegen

What a great day yesterday…I saw and talked to a lot of really wonderful people, but the one person that I want to highlight is the first person that I actually talked to yesterday morning (face to face that is).

The person that set my day off right…

Mr. Eric VanderWegen.

Not only is Eric one of our newest sponsors (, but he is extremely honest.

But I thought that he was a Realtor (insert laugh track)?

He is, and there had to be an honest one out there…somewhere…right?

I’m joking around about Realtors, but Eric has talked himself out of sales because he points out problems with homes and then is able to give out real cost estimates to fix the issues (he is trained in the construction side of things as well).

People love this…I love this. I want to know everything, and if there are issues then I should know.


What would a “normal” Realtor do?

Keep their mouth shut…

Not Eric…

All my business, my leads, inquiries…everything is going to Eric because he is absolutely the only Realtor that I feel comfortable putting my trust in.

What else can I share about Eric VanderWegen?


He wrote a book.

And I got an advanced copy.

I’ll leave you hanging there…


But I will tell you that when it is ready to be released, I’ll let you know about it because it is a must have for millions of folks out there.