I am a pretty religious person, but I have the ability to think outside of the box when it comes to religious beliefs and texts (see my religious website for more: http://thesixthday.org).
I didn’t like the look of the fallen angels because they were more theatrical than Biblical, nor did I like where the story looked to be going. In all honesty, I hated the entire CGI Garden of Eden piece from man, to the snake, to the forbidden fruit, to Cain killing Able. The way it was done takes away from the movie, and cheapens the entire flow of the film.
In reflection, did the telling of Noah come across as needed in this modern version? Yes; every main point was addressed, and followed accordingly. This interpretation of how Noah went from “point A” to “point B” was fantastic. Of course you are free to disagree, but depending on how much you disagree may be related to either being a non-believer (God was very present in this movie), or because the cult doesn’t allow for any self-thought.
I liked how God spoke, and agree to some extent on how this could be true. I like that Noah was in a drunken state passed out naked on the beach; I like it better that he wasn’t a drunk beforehand but that his action drove him to drink. I like that Noah’s choices were hard, and the easy path wasn’t the solution.
“And unto you I say be fruitful and multiple, and repopulate the Earth.”
Like I said, there is a lot wrong with this movie, but the basics are solid (like the worldwide rainbow). So with that I give “Noah” two thumbs up and I recommend seeing this in theaters.
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