Now I know that I have said similar things about different movies in the past, and in all retrospect I should probably stop judging books by their covers; or in this case, movies by their previews. However, in this particular situation I had all of the reason in the world to prejudge and hate the newest Captain America film. “Captain America: The First Avenger” sucked rotten eggs and smelled just as pleasant. In “The Avengers” Captain America was the weakest member of the team and could have ruined the film if he had more screen time.
I like Captain America in comic books, and in cartoons. In fact, I even like Chris Evans’ portrayal of the shield wielding hero. When I think of “Cap” I think of more…
The second movie gave me (and all of us) that more that had been lacking the first two showings of America’s old school hero. “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” showcased what Captain America is all about; the ultimate clean-cut, red white and blue, American badass.
Sam Jackson is not the greatest actor out there, but he is tough, and people like that about him; so seeing Nick Fury kicking butt was great. Plus we got to see what was behind the patch, and the death of Fury himself.
The best character by far though was Black Widow. Scarlett Johansson has brought her “A” game in every showing of the Black Widow so far, but this time she really stepped it up a notch; so I guess that means that she brought her “A+” game (maybe? I don’t know…it sounded good when I was thinking it).
“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” should have been labeled “Bucky’s Return” without giving too much away, like Bucky is back for example.
All and all it was a great action movie and it was a great Captain America movie. I happily give “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” two thumbs up, and I recommend seeing this in theaters.
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