“Divergent” had the absolutely best…wait hold up…this movie had absolutely nothing to offer, which includes a plot.
This movie could have easily been condensed and made better by bringing the others book in the series into it; that way there may have been something to get excited about. Unless of course you are one particular fifteen year old girl, like the one who was sitting next to me in the theater. She was literally living the movie. Holding her breath, sitting on the edge of her seat (never actually seen anyone do that before), falling in love; she was so into it. Other than her, I cannot imagine anyone else getting anything out of this movie.
The movie sucked royally, and the funny part is that one very trusted source who happened to read the series thought that for the first time ever, that a movie was actually better than the book; that is never the case. My question is; how bad was the book because the movie was pointless?
People who are divergent are different, that is the case in the movie as in real life. The leading character is divergent, but except for the last minutes of the movie it has nothing to do with the plot at all. Come on…that trait, that difference…is the title of the movie. One would expect for that difference to play a large role in the film.
The actors were fine; in fact I really liked Jai Courtney in this. So I cannot blame the actors at all, in any sense. However, we should bring back stoning for the sole purpose of punishing the writers, producer, director, and anyone else that had a hand in making this movie behind the scenes. They punished all of us by making a pointless film, and I think that the courts will agree (especially if any of the judges seen the movie).
I give “Divergent” two thumbs way down, and I recommend you wait to see it when it comes out on TV, but not just on TV…I am talking about the free television networks, not cable or satellite; the ones that you unplug your cable box for and put up the old rabbit ears up to get some sort of reception.
I fact don’t even watch it on TV…don’t watch it at all; unless maybe you’re in prison or in a coma and have absolutely nothing else to do.