I wish that I could have LEAN slapped our waitress! People who are trained in LEAN thinking or work in a LEAN environment will know what I’m talking about.
So after our cut-ties with Red Robin forever experience, the Manager smoothed everything over and offered us payment in the form of a gift card if we would please come back. The Manager at the Vancouver Mall location was top notch and seems to be a good person, or at least great at customer service.
Kari and I went back (to a different location) and the service was about what one would expect. So we threw all caution to the wind and took the kids. This time we found ourselves in Beaverton, OR and it was a mistake.
The restaurant was hopping and incredibly busy, which excited me that we chose the right place. Our waitress was DUMB! She was blonde and took every blonde joke and stereotype to heart. It started as funny, then sad, and then her dumbness just pissed me off.
We ordered our burgers on ciabatta bread and gave her the rest of our requirements for our order. You know that look that people have when they have no idea what is going on or what’s being said? She had that deer in the headlights look. I had her repeat back the order, corrected her, and she repeated it back correctly. I told Kari that the waitress is going to mess this up, and she agreed. The waitress did not disappoint…the food was brought out with the wrong type of buns. We got the waitresses attention and I asked her what type of bread this was. She bent over at the waist, almost stuck her head in my plate, to get a close up of my burger (maybe she wasn’t wearing her glasses…I don’t know). She thought for a moment and replied, “That’s chee-y-a-baddaa”.
I told her that I found that interesting because I had never seen ciabatta look like that; usually the inside is full of holes, it has a firm and chewy texture, harder than the bread on my plate and it is square.
She looked at the round, densely layered bun that covered my burger, and replied, “Nope that’s chee-y-a-baddaa”.
“How do you know?”
“Because we don’t have buns that are brown without seeds other than chee-y-a-baddaa”.
The bread was gluten-free buns, and it was delicious; plus she didn’t charge the $1 upcharge for gluten-free because she thought it was chee-y-a-baddaa. Does this make her dumb? No! The fact that she could only do one thing at a time made her dumb. There were four of us at the table. Our waitress had to make four trips to bring us each a drink. In fact she could only remember one thing at a time, and it happened to be the last thing said to her. Luckily, it looked like she only had three tables to wait on. Ask for napkins, and then the table next to us would ask for something…great now we’re not getting napkins.
She brought us the bill and asked if we had a royalty card and I said yes. She took the bill that she had just brought us and left without giving it to me. She comes back a few minutes later and asked if I had time to find it. The Red Robin card was in my wallet, but she waited for me to pull it out. She set the bill (it was inside a black booklet type thing) down on the table and asked me to put my royalty card in it so that she can go check it out. I told her there were no points on my card because I had already used them. She said and I’m not joking, “Duh! I haven’t run your card yet!”
Again she could only do one thing at a time; meaning she was unable to take my Red Robin card and payment at the same time…in the same receipt booklet.
She was wearing a Red Robin shirt with a name tag. She made it through the interview process. She got the job. The conclusion must be drawn that she is the manager’s daughter (because we’re keeping it G rated) and was able to slide through. I have never met anyone like her in real life. I was too pissed off to be fascinated by the whole thing.
In conclusion, Red Robin still sucks and it is because of the wait staff. Actually it is managements fault for not correcting certain behavior. I don’t know if I’ll ever go back!
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