If you are a fan of the book series there will be enough in this movie to piss you off, but at the same time make you happy that certain things were cleared up movie wise.
There is nothing great about this movie. The elements of the story, if not the entire story, have been done numerous times. I love mythology and the concept should be solid, but the movie was a flop. What is with making the titan Cronus such a wimp that anyone who looks at him cross-eyed can beat him (not the 1st movie this is done in either)? Does this mean that Zeus and the other gods are just as weak as the titans, but are unchallenged because of reputation alone?
The only two memorable parts of the movie are:
Mr. D, who was being punished by Zeus, poured some wine into a glass but it turned immediately into water, “You know the Christians have a guy who can do this but in the opposite direction”, while looking up towards the sky and speaking to Zeus, “Now that's a god”.
Actor Nathan Fillion, who plays Hermes, made a hilarious Firefly reference that nobody in the audience got (only true geeks found it quite funny), “Greatest television show ever…so of course…canceled”.
If you are not a fan of the books and of the 1st movie, I recommend you wait to see it when it comes out on TV.
If you are a fan, then I recommend you at least wait to see it when it is released on DVD.
I give this movie two thumbs down.
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