Monday, June 24, 2013

Doubly Orange Fried Pieces of Dough

Doubly Orange Fried Pieces of Dough is a huge time saver when you want a doughnut but don’t have the time, the skill, or the patients to take on such a task. Basic fried dough was something that I grew up with in my community and it is still something that has deep roots in regions all across the U.S. and other parts of the world. This is an easy recipe to change up and add your own twists to it based on what you like or where you’re from.  I rolled and cut my version out to the size I was going for, which was a smaller handheld size with no real uniformity of shape (size and diameter are important for cooking times). I could have altered the recipe and cut out larger pieces of dough and rolled it just as thick creating fry bread. I could have taken that same cut of fry bread dough and rolled it out even thinner, creating a larger surface diameter, fried it and then covered it in a cinnamon sugar mixture making an elephant ear.

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