He works with people day in and day out, and he trusts them to do what they say that they are going to do. Sometimes it works out perfectly, but sometimes he gets screwed.
Dan knows a lot about the construction business, and it’s hard to get something by him that’s not right.
Building homes, doing remodels, building decks, building fences, and everything else that Dan and his crew do every day is not the issue because all of that stuff is great.
The problem is with people outside of the company that Dan has to partner with, and put his trust into.
And I know why Dan does it…
The difference between a good leader and a bad leader is that a good leader trusts their team (there is a lot more to it, but we’re talking about trust).
A good leader also knows their own strengths and weaknesses, and will partner with others that have different skillsets to create an unstoppable team.
A good leader knows that they cannot, and should not, do everything on their own.
Dan is a good leader!
So when I say that Dan LeSieur has a flaw in his DNA, it’s not really a flaw…it’s his nature.
He’s trusting in the fact that he gives people the benefit of the doubt, and sometimes gives multiple chances to uphold their end of the agreement.
Unfortunately some people take advantage of Dan’s good nature.
I think that we could all learn something from Dan, and that is “a person’s word is their bond”.
Check out Dan LeSieur’s answers to the 3 Questions:
What is your biggest success? Moving from Southern California to Washougal, WA. That was ultimately the thing I did that saved my life. It was really hard at times, but in the end it made me a better husband, father, business partner, and employer.
What is your biggest failure? Trusting the wrong people, and growing my business too fast; which lead to trouble, but the results gave me my biggest success.
What do you want to be remembered for? For the charities that I helped. For sustaining a successful business that gave me the opportunity to do right by people by helping them throughout life.
Elk Ridge Custom Homes…
All County Construction, Inc.…
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