I don’t buy Will Smith as a con man, but maybe that’s the point because I’m not supposed to. His character is handsome, well dressed, well mannered, well off, and a great con artist, but I don’t see Mr. Smith playing that role. The confussing part about what I just said is that Will played the character really well. Will Smith didn’t do anything wrong. He is a great actor, but like everything else in this movie there was just something missing.
The same thing can be said for the rest of the cast. They all portrayed their characters well, but whatever is lacking in the film kept everyone and everything from reaching the full potentional, which bums me out because I was looking forward to seeing “Major Dad” kicking some ass.
Like I said, the movie has all the makings of a great film, but it doesn’t deliver. I am sad to say that I have to give “Focus” two thumbs down, and I recommend you wait to see it when it comes out on DVD.
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