“Are you saying that John Wick is the boogeyman?”
“No…he’s who you send to hunt the boogeyman.”
Keanu Reeves is Keanu Reeves, but this role fits him. Keanu is not a great actor…at all, but I don’t care because he is one of those people that I give a pass to because I like him so much.
SPOILER…everybody dies…even the dog.
There is one simple fact that could make this film a game changer for the entire action genre, and set “John Wick” up as one the greatest action movies ever…and that fact is…everyone dies (wait…I just said that in the spoiler alert…wait…keep reading).
Most every movie of this type (possibly every action movie ever made) has the same formula that never made sense to me, and that is...not everyone dies.
Hero goes in and shoots a couple guys…they die.
Hero flips another guy over his shoulder…never see the guy again (not dead though).
Hero shoots another guy…dead.
Hero punches or kicks another guy or two…never see them again (not dead though).
This is where “John Wick” is different.
JW goes in and shoots a couple guys…they die.
JW flips another guy over his shoulder…then shoots them…they die.
JW shoots another guy…dead.
JW punches or kicks another guy or two…then shoots them…they die.
Seriously…there was no baddy escaping this movie, and that is what separates this film from all of the others.
That point alone is fantastic, but not enough to totally save the movie. I give “John Wick” one thumb up, and I recommend you wait to see it when it is released on DVD.
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