Must every Caesar have his Brutus? (Obviously there was more than one Caesar, but that would take away from my point)
Caesar is a good person…err…ape, and the leading man (who is not Gary Oldman, nor an ape) is also a good person; however and whatever their struggles and differences are, they cannot stop the future from happening. Not a spoiler alert…there have been many “Planet of the Apes” movies over the last few decades, and seeing any of them (except maybe the prequel to this one) will tell you…it doesn’t turn out to well for the humans.
James Franco’s character had his part to play in the progression of the movie, although James Franco himself is not actually in the movie (the people behind the making of films are sly folks).
“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” has its purpose, and it really does explain the lead up to what will eventually happen; however, the movie itself sucked and wasn’t that good. EXAMPLE: Gary Oldman had absolutely no purpose in the movie. Remove his character and the movie wouldn’t be any different. That should be a crime, because Mr. Oldman is one of the greatest actors of our time; he has range, he has depth, and he can actually act. It’s sad, but it helps prove my point that the movie sucks.
I give this movie two opposable thumbs down, and I recommend you wait to see it when it comes out on TV.
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