I like Sandra Bullock, but she is not a strong enough actor to stand alone on the big screen. Being the only person on screen for any film has to be one of the hardest things ever because the actor is the center of attention, no one to play off of, they have to be charismatic to grab on and hold the viewer, etc. etc.
If you do not already know, I cannot stand George Clooney as an actor; the man cannot act. However, I have never been so happy to see Mr. Clooney’s dramatic return towards the end of the film; he was the saving grace. It wasn’t that George showed up with new acting abilities, or took an acting class between takes; it was that he provided a needed break from the crap Sandra Bullock was putting out on her solo trek through space. I’m not joking…Sandra Bullock’s performance was so bad that George Clooney out acted her. I’m sorry Sandra because that’s mean and probably hitting below the belt, but it’s the truth. I love you, but this was the wrong role.
This is a hard review and so I’ll split it down the middle. For the writing and the idea I loved it. For the acting I hated it. Wait…the entire opening with Houston talking was stupid, and it would piss me off if these people were being paid with my taxes and were like that in real life. I’m probably missing the whole trying to be relatable to the audience, the characters were probably friends with a long history, and Clooney’s character was “that guy”, and so forth and so on; but they missed the mark.
Time to vote! I give this movie two big thumbs down, and I recommend you wait to see it when it comes out on TV.
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